Canadian Association for Sport Heritage
CASH Award of Excellence
The Canadian Association for Sport Heritage has established an Award of Excellence to recognize and celebrate the achievements of our members.
What projects are eligible?
There are four broad categories for the CASH Award of Excellence:
Any organizational member of CASH can submit one entry in any of the four categories. In 2024 one overall award across all four categories will be given out with the possibility of expanding the number of awards in future years. Eligible projects must have been completed between January 1 and December 31, 2023.
The submission deadline has been extended to May 15, 2024.
Examples of projects that would fall under each category are listed below.
Fundraising Events
Community Engagement
Marketing materials or campaigns
Social media
Induction programs or booklets
Publications of any kind
Website design
Printed or digital
Preservation projects
Digitization projects
How often will the Award of Excellence be given out?
The Award of Excellence will be recognized annually at the AGM or conference.
What do the winners receive/why should I apply?
Winners will receive an award to display at their Hall as a tangible representation of your achievement. Winners will be highlighted in the CASH newsletter, website, and social media. Winning an award is a great reason to contact your local media outlets and share your successes with your community. They can be useful for future grant applications to demonstrate your track record of excellent work as well as raise awareness about your Hall of Fame.
Who decides which project will receive an award?
Submissions for the CASH Award of Excellence will be evaluated by the Awards Committee using a point system. The Committee will be formed of interested CASH members and led by Caitlin Dyer, VP Communications.
How do I submit a project for consideration?
To submit your project for consideration, please fill out an application form and submit supplementary materials (ex. photos, videos, a virtual tour of an exhibit, sample documents, projects plans or any other materials you feel showcase your project.) via email to The Awards Committee prefers that all applications and supporting materials be received in one PDF document, if possible.
Please email any enquiries or questions to
Application Form
2024 CASH Award of Excellence Application Form
Winners of the CASH Award of Excellence